The process for preparing your outdoor pond or water feature for the long and cold Connecticut and New York winter season should begin in the months of September and October. Normal Aquatics offers pond winterization services that will make the necessary preparations for your pond as it is heading into some of the harshest weather and outdoor conditions of the year. Your pond or aquatic landscape will have to endure high winds blowing dirt, debris, and all sorts of materials into your pond, as well as falling leaves, snowfall, ice storms, sub-zero conditions, and fish kills.
Based in Fairfield County, Connecticut and serving pond and water feature owners throughout Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey, Normal Aquatics has the experience and capabilities to successfully winterize your outdoor pond, so that it will be protected through the winter season and you can fully enjoy your water feature come spring season.
Westchester County Outdoor Pond and Water Garden Winter Preparation
Here are a few of the basic measures that Normal Aquatics will perform when winterizing your pond or water garden.
- Remove any debris that has accumliated within your pond
- Remove any plants tropical plants that are floating on pond surface.
- Perform pruning of your hardy aquatic plants
- Remove and meticulously clean the pond’s filter system
- Disconnect the pump, filter and UV clarifier before water freezes
- If the filter is operational through the winter seasons, lower the flow
- Get your aerator or de-icer staged and verify that it is fully operational
- Inspect the activity and health your fish thouroughly, make note of anything unusual
- Begin feeding fish “winter blend” fish food
- Cover your pond with protective netting to reduce leaf and debris accumulation
For any homeowner or business owner who wants to maintain a healthy and beautiful pond for their property, hiring a professional pond services company is necessary. is a necessity Since 1999, Normal Aquatics has been providing professional pond construction and maintenance services in Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, We have the necessary experience, man-power, equipment, passion, and creativity to design, build, and help maintain both large and small ponds successfully. Contact us today to schedule your no-cost estimate and consultation!